By any objective socio-economic measure, the East Gippsland region is tracking behind most parts of Australia and is failing to achieve its full potential. The region requires major private and public investment to achieve sustainable growth.
The combined impacts of drought, bushfire, coronavirus and government policy decisions has added to the poor outlook and a greater sense of urgency is required by all levels of government to initiate and complete job-sustaining projects.
This draft paper is intended to promote community discussion as it highlights both the opportunity and the urgency for practical action by the Federal and State Governments yet-to-be delivered funding promises to assist in bushfire recovery. While simply delivering on existing funding commitments in a timelier manner would stimulate economic activity, there is a need for additional funds over the next decade to help East Gippsland achieve its full potential.
The draft paper is effectively a ‘jobs to do list’ and it focuses on projects that are most likely to create long-term, sustainable jobs and build the social, economic, environment and cultural resilience of the region.
Critically, the plan highlights the requirement for partnership funding from all levels of government and the private sector to maximise the benefits over the next 10 years.
The coronavirus is highly likely to result in increased demand for regional travel destinations and a heightened interest in relocating to regional communities with the capacity to telecommute to work. East Gippsland needs to be ready to capitalise on those opportunities.
Download the plan here:
(PDF 610KB)