Local farmers, the horticulture industry and stakeholders can now have their say on the Harvest Labour Services (HLS) – Reforms to encourage Australia job seekers to take up seasonal work consultation paper.
The consultation paper provides stakeholders the opportunity to express their views on the future of HLS and how government can best support Australian job seekers to access seasonal work opportunities and assist growers find suitable workers.
Federal Member for Gippsland Darren Chester is encouraging local farmers and stakeholders to take part in the consultation with submissions open until 12 noon, Thursday 22 August 2019.
Mr Chester said this was an opportunity to improve the link between working holiday makers and Australian job seekers.
“It is important local farmers and stakeholders take the time to share their views to make sure the Harvest Labour Services will work for our local region,” Mr Chester said.
“Meeting the needs of farmers and job seekers requires Harvest Labour Services and jobactive providers to work together to identify and place suitable Australian job seekers into harvest work.
“The HLS aims to meet seasonal peaks in employer demand in locations across Australia that does not have adequate local labour supply to meet this demand.”
HLS is currently delivered in 11 horticultural regions and from 1 July 2020, it is proposed that HLS will be expanded into another five regions, including Gippsland.
More information about how to take part in the consultation can be found at www.employment.gov.au/harvest-labour-services-and-national-harvest-labour-information-service-consultation or call 1300 733 514 or email espurchasing@employment.gov.au