

Jan 13, 2009 | 2008 Archive

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December 11, 2008

The Rudd Government has been accused of botching the Christmas bonus payments being paid to pensioners and low-income families.

The Nationals Member for Gippsland Darren Chester said many families who are eligible for the family tax benefit are being denied their promised payment until at least July next year.

“Launched weeks ago with much media fanfare, the Prime Minister promised $1000 per child to all families who receive the Family Tax Benefit A, with the money to be paid prior to Christmas,” Mr Chester said.

“Unlike Kevin Rudd’s self promoted publicity, the sad reality is that some 150,000 families nationally have been badly misled and will not receive a single cent before Christmas.

“What the government failed to identify is that those who receive their FTBA allowance annually, instead of fortnightly, will have to wait until tax time in 2009 for the bonus.

“So much for spending it now to help the economy, and so much for a little help for struggling families to have a better Christmas,” Mr Chester said.

In a last ditch effort to salvage some credibility, families who wish to receive their bonus are being asked to change to fortnightly FTBA payments.

“Sadly this attempt to fix policy on the run is too little too late,” Mr Chester said.

“Centrelink staff are left out in the cold advising clients that by the time they process their applications the earliest any bonus payment would be received would be late February next year.

“This whole bungled scheme has mislead Australian families, who have budgeted for $1000 per child bonus.”

Mr Chester said the scheme had also let down children who required foster care.

“The bonus payments are being paid to the parent who had custody on the date of the announcement, regardless of whether they still care for the child,” Mr Chester said.

“I have been contacted by one carer, who cannot access the $1000 to buy the child clothing and learning equipment.

“The money is instead being paid to that child’s father, who lost custody when DHS had to intervene.”

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