

Aug 21, 2012 | 2012 Archive

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August 21, 2012

$650,000 in Victorian Government funding is being sought to help build a new pavilion and change rooms at the Yarram Recreation Reserve.

The funding application which was lodged today (Wednesday) is being strongly supported by The Nationals Member for Gippsland Darren Chester.

Mr Chester has written directly to the Victorian Minister for Sport and Recreation, Hugh Delahunty, highlighting the importance of this project to the Yarram district community.

“This is a significant project for the Yarram community,” Mr Chester said.

“In addition to government funding being sought, Wellington Shire Council has committed $1.4 million of its own money and the Yarram Recreation Reserve Committee of Management will invest $50,000.

“That is a huge two-thirds contribution and highlights the importance of this project to the Shire and the local community.”

Mr Chester called on the Minister to view the application favourably, given the distance from Yarram to other regional sports facilities.

“The Yarram Recreation Reserve redevelopment would provide significant jobs during the construction phase and give the local economy a welcome boost in the short-term,” Mr Chester said.

“In the longer term, it will encourage broader participation in sport and provide enormous social and physical health benefits to the local community.”

Mr Chester said the current facility did not provide for female athletes or officials or people with a disability, making sport less enjoyable for many who would otherwise participate.

“The redevelopment will provide much improved facilities for disadvantaged families to participate in organised sport,” Mr Chester said.

“It will also help to improve participation rates amongst female and young people as well as catering more suitably to the needs of people with a disability.”

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